Besko commune
“Thanks to the intelligent APE LED bulbs, we have achieved significant savings in electricity costs, i.e. 50-60%, and in visual energy costs. correct? lighting quality. "

"The delivered products meet the highest standards, are durable, easy to use, do not make operational problems. "

Commune of? Órawina
"Taking advantage of the APE LED offer was an excellent choice ..."

Stawiguda Commune
"... we obtained a visual? correct? quality of lighting, and significant savings of up to 50% in electricity costs ... "

Gogolin Commune
"Warranty service by? made quickly and efficiently. "

Wodzis? W? In śląski
“The purchased bulbs were installed in the park lanterns located in the market square of the town of Wodzis? Awia? L? Skie. The contract was performed on time ... "

Union of Communes of the Wieluń Land
"The delivered products meet the highest standards, are very durable?

"Taking advantage of the APE LED offer was an excellent choice ..."
Contact me with APE LED already? now, start saving? thanks to the innovative Polish source of LED light.