AUTO POWER ELECTRONIC Piotr Skrobotowicz is implementing a project co-financed by European Funds called ? Development of economic cooperation and promotion of the activities of AUTO POWER ELECTRONIC Piotr Skrobotowicz in the international arena.
Project no: RPOP.02.04.00-16-0035 / 19
Regional Operational Program of the Opolskie Voivodeship for 2014-2020
II O? priority: Competitive Economy
Action: 2.4 Economic cooperation and promotion
PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION PERIOD: 01/11/2019 - 31/07/2021
The aim of the project is to increase the company's competitiveness through the development of export activities, economic cooperation and promotion of the company on new Czech and German markets.
The targeted activities planned in the project will be on:
- support for the development of new business models, including strategies for action international, opening new business channels, geographic or sectoral diversification (TYPE 1);
- support for economic cooperation of enterprises in the national and international dimension (TYPE 2); - promotion of enterprises, including participation in in national and international events, incl. in fairs, technology shows, as part of project, being justified in the company's development strategy or new business models introduced (TYPE 3).
The direct effects of the project implementation will be the support of the Applicant in the field of internationalization of activities, specialist consultancy, support for the implementation of projects, information and promotion of an international nature, and investing own resources.