
APE LED road bulb

APE LED LED street lamp

The intelligent LED street lamp from APE LED is:

  • lampa uliczna LED to bezpo?redni zamiennik ?arówek sodowych, brak konieczno?ci wymiany oprawy, dost?pny trzonek E27 i E40, inne na zamówienie
  • temperatura barwy ?wiat?a od 2700K do 10000K
  • wbudowany mikroprocesor steruje moc? ?ród?a ?wiat?a APE LED i pozwala uzyska? oszcz?dno?? energii do 80%. Dowiedz si? wi?cej jak dzia?a system sterowania moc? od APE LED.
  • prosty monta? i konfiguracja mocy w przedzia?ach czasowych
  • reduce the carbon footprint thanks to reduced energy consumption and an extended lifetime of the light source up to 15 years

LED street lamp - Specification

LED street lamp APE LED Specification
ape led road lamp
LED street lamp specifications
led street lamp stream luminous
100W led street lamp

LED street lamp additional possibilities

Wireless, maintenance-free night power reduction system from APE LED

Polish manufacturer of street lamps APE LED

See how the APE LED power reduction system works

? Thanks to the intelligent APE LED bulbs, we have achieved significant savings in electricity costs, i.e. 50-60%, and visual savings. correct? lighting quality.
? The delivered products meet the highest standards, are durable, easy to use, do not make operational problems.?
? The delivered products meet the highest standards, are very durable ??