Smart LED street lamps with a 7 year old? guarantee?
Wymiana o?wietlenia drogowego to oszcz?dno?? i nowe mo?liwo?ci kreowania przestrzeni publicznej. W oparciu o wieloletnie do?wiadczenie w bran?y automotive, stworzyli?my innowacyjne lampy drogowe o 15 letniej ?ywotno?ci. Sprawd?, teraz zak?adk? referencje i dowiedz si? co my?l? o lampach drogowych APE LED nasi klienci. Polski producent o?wietlenia LED.
Innovative lighting made to measure modernist interior - LED lighting manufacturer
Designers appreciated APE LED for its solid workmanship, long service life and wide gam? products. An example could be this Warsaw loft project.
The product portfolio of the Polish manufacturer of innovative lighting - APE LED
The wide range of APE LED products is suitable for for the needs of local governments, enterprises and individual clients. Each product is technically refined and solidly made. When designing innovative LED lighting, we pay attention to details that make us stand out. Check? now what distinguishes our innovative LED light sources.
LED street lamps
- bezpo?redni zamiennik ?arówek sodowych, brak konieczno?ci wymiany oprawy, dost?pne trzonki E27 i E40
- wbudowany mikroprocesor steruje moc? ?ród?a ?wiat?a APE LED i pozwala uzyska? oszcz?dno?? energii do 80%. Learn? more how does the power control system work? from APE LED.
- prosty monta? i konfiguracja mocy w przedzia?ach czasowych
- zredukcja ?ladu w?glowego dzi?ki zmniejszeniu zu?ycia energii i wyd?u?onej nawet do 15 lat ?ywotno?ci ?ród?a ?wiat?a
Learn? more about APE LED street lamps, check and order now now
Industrial LED lamps - Highbay LED
- we have created a compact a design that fits most luminaires
- we introduced an automatic and maintenance-free microchip that controls the power luminous flux that changes power after a sequence of clicks? on the switch (can be dimmed and brightened - power levels 25%, power 50%, power 75% and power 100%) without the need to install additional devices?
- our engineers have designed industrial lamps that limit the generation of inductive reactive power
- instalacja Highbay od APE LED jest prostsza i szybsza ni? innych lamp przemys?owych, gdy? nie wymaga stosowania szklanej os?ony oprawy ?arówki, która utrudnia wymian? ?róde? o?wietlenia na wysoko?ci w halach przemys?owych
Learn? more about industrial lamps from APE LED, check and order now now
LED Linear Lighting
- possibility ?? power control? horizontal dimming / brightening 25%, 50%, 75%, 100%
- a wide range of lengths allows you to integrate linear lighting for the most unusual interiors
- installation at heights from 2 to 18 m with the beam of light adjusted to the height
- operation in emergency lighting mode (additional option)
Learn? more about linear lighting from APE LED, check and order now now
LED floodlight
- zabezpieczenie termiczne umo?liwiaj?ce prac? w temperaturach od -30 ? up to +50 ?.
- a wide range of accessories for floodlights such as external housings, mounting systems, parallel and other.
- possibility ?? power regulation
- power factor cos? ? 0.91
Learn? more about APE LED floodlights, check and order now now!
LED fluorescent lamps
- adjusting the angle of light emission to the height of the room from 2 to 9 m
- the possibility of programming and adjusting the power of fluorescent lamps from 5% to 100%, in order to obtain the highest comfort of work for employees at any time of the day or night
- simple installation and configuration thanks to the use of standard G5 and G13 bases
Aquarium LED fluorescent lamps
- changes the power of light during the day and night, imitating the natural daily cycle without additional devices
- it occurs in several wavelength characteristics in the spectrum to better imitate nature? and creates? better conditions for fish and plants.
- extended service life thanks to the high-quality components, this solution will last for years, because we know how you don't like replacing Fluorescent lamps in the aquarium
Learn? for more aquarium lamps from APE LED, check and order now now
Modular LED system
Learn? more about the modular system from APE LED, check and order now now
LED bulbs
Conventional light bulbs have changed, evolved from glowing in carbon fiber vacuum, through the first fluorescent lamps (neon), fluorescent lamps, halogen lamps, and after LED lighting.
LED "bulb" from APE LED is another revolution and a new dimension in the quality of the light source.
- Efficiency ?? Source: up to 160 lm / W
- Stream? Luminous: up to 4320lm
- Power factor cos? ? 0.91
- Distinguishing functionality Light source (light bulb) APE LED is based on the use of a processor that controls the lighting. Processor allows? Makes changes? lighting power without additional devices (twisted? etc.). On / off sequence (simple toggle switch, click and find out more how it works a) change power, LED bulbs dimmer? si? and brighten up. If you have a small lighting section, our light bulb will give you the opportunity to lighting control, you just need to screw? light bulb from APE LED, the rest? our technology will do for you. On special request, we can program would the processor change? power over time (example: external lighting in a house may reduce the power to 50% after 11 p.m. and generate additional savings).
Get to know our projects in Europe, APE LED road lighting illuminates capitals, cities, towns, housing estates and communal streets. Our customers appreciated APE LED for its price-quality ratio and measurable financial benefits. Savings when installed, APE LED lighting is even 60%. Can you increase? savings thanks to programmable lighting power change systems. For example, Road lighting can work as well. with power? 100 % up to 22, between 22-24 with power 75%, and 24 with power? 25%. more
“Thanks to the intelligent APE LED bulbs, we have achieved significant savings in electricity costs, i.e. 50-60%, and in visual energy costs. correct? lighting quality. "
the head of the Besko commune